Not every snorer has sleep apnoea and not every person diagnosed with sleep apnoea necessarily snores.
The first step will be to identify or rule out the presence of sleep apnoea regardless of the snoring.
Home sleep studies are used to diagnose or rule out obstructive sleep apnoea and it's possible to do it with the use of a few sensors in the comfort of your home. Recorded information about airflow, snoring, breathing effort, heart rate and oxygen levels throughout the night get analysed and recommendations based on your specific situation will be made.
We would also need to know about your bedtime habits and how well you sleep. Simple tests or devices may reveal what type of sleep apnoea you have and also gives us valuable data on your sleeping and nocturnal breathing, however it is only by a comprehensive method that includes clinical assessment and specific diagnostic how we can then offer alternatives for an individual tailored treatment as one size treatment does not fit all.